Auto chess vs tft
Auto chess vs tft

But for the inner strategy lover in me, and my childhood memories of playing many team builder games like pokemon and final fantasy, I’m hooked. To be fair the action isnt always the most exciting, and the game is not for everyone as you are basically just watching units fight and micro managing them all. You horde gold and are on the edge of your seat the whole time as your health bar dips below 20%? Either way or if you weren’t following a strategy at all leads to a engaging gameplay experience almost every time. You spend lots of gold? An early rising action to a later fall in power and potential climax of risk. The excitement curve that most movies follow is something that happens naturally in every game of TFT.

auto chess vs tft

The game is a delicate balancing act and always reminds me of a thing I learned in film class.

auto chess vs tft

Saving gold for added interest gold at the risk of falling behind on unit power, or spending gold like a mad man to keep a win streak going that also rewards gold. These decision trees along side the fact that there is a incentive to hoard gold for interest gives the player a sense of tug and pull. Should I go brawlers? There are two elementalists that I can buy right now, should I switch my entire team for them? All of these questions and hard choices are made through simple repeated random choices and unit combinations. The game is fun because of all the decision trees that are constantly going through your head as a player. Today, Riot Games unveiled Teamfight Tactics, a new League of Legends game mode heavily inspired by Dota Auto Chess.Teamfight Tactics will feature League of Legends champions, items, and abilities.

Auto chess vs tft